Thursday, September 7, 2017

Still Going Strong....

Check out our 3rd day...

We did a team building activity where students had to work together to build a pyramid with cups using only rubber bands!!

Our Board

We practiced our simple vs. 7up sentences by writing a story. We all started with the same sentence starter, "You're never going to believe what happened at school today."  We all wrote a sentence and passed it to our neighbors to add on. We did this several times until the original owner received their silly paper back!

We turned our homework- 2 truths and 1 lie- into a Kahoot it about each other. We had to guess which was the lie about each one of us. After each slide, the students explained their truths and lies.

We did another get to know you activity this morning. Students needed to know students last name to complete the maze and unlock the doors!

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