Thursday, February 28, 2019

A few looks at our time spent at the BIG BLAST on mismatched day. What a great time we had. Thank you to PTO!

Chase awarded his kindness quote to Mrs. Mentink. <3

Keenan picked Charles for his quote and friendship!

Porter is our rockstar this week.  Porter has a great personality that is so fun to see more of!

A little Dr. Seuss in our life. On crazy sock day, we designed a sock for someone. We used our creative talents. 

Teigue hits 10 books!!!  HIs favorite is one MANY are raving about: Save Me a Seat!

Isla quickly hit 30!  She is loving Harry Potter right now!  Keep up the hard work, Isla.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Spending some time with our buddies on PJ day a few weeks ago!

More readers hard at work!!!!  

A quick break....

Check out our Rockstars of the week... 

Mady B shared her love of pineapples with her collection!

Adam had some great pictures to share, including his dog!

Isla brought her Disney souvenir to share as one of her special things!   

One of our learning targets is to practice text structure. Students are working hard at analyzing pictures to create a poster showing what they know!

Way to go, Charles!! First place in the bee two years in a row. He will compete later in the month at the city wide spelling bee. YAHOOO!!!!