Tuesday, September 29, 2015


We have now enjoyed 3 great weeks with your little 4k friends. It's awesome to see how nurturing the 45ers are. Today we enjoyed some Chromebook time.

Monday, September 21, 2015

40 Book Challenge Kick Off

Let the reading begin!  Although not everyone remembered to join us this morning, everyone is on board to give it their all this year.  


Bring it on!

He was even reading at the party!


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Saving FRED!

Our poor friend Fred, the gummy worm, was sailing on his boat when it tipped over and his lifejacket (gummy saver) got caught under. Students had to work together to save him touching him only with the 4 paperclips that were given to them. Luckily, after a while, everyone safely got the lifejacket  around Fred and back in his boat.                                         


Jamiere picked a sourhead out of the candy basket and was a good sport about letting me take pictures as he tried it. Some of the action shots turned out blurry, but it was sure entertaining to watch. Thanks for being a good sport about it Jamiere!!                               

See, Run, Do

Talk about communication!  This teamwork activity required a ton. Students were placed in groups of 3. Only 1 person could SEE a picture in the hallway. They described the picture to the middle person who was then to RUN to the drawer to have them. DO what was described. It made it very difficult because the person drawing and the person seeing the picture never had an opportunity to talk. The enthusiasm in the activity was great to watch!                    

Monday, September 14, 2015

Link the Words

One of our first teamwork activities this week involved manipulating words so they were a continuous chain of compound words. We started off with a few and added on, increasing the difficulty.  It was humorous for me to listen to many plead their chains were correct. "Shapehold" was a common one many argued. "Don't you know Mrs. Mentink, it's when you hold a shape in your hand."  Yes, of course it is :).  The students did great!