Thursday, April 27, 2017

Our 5th graders are on a roll with our math project. A lot of patience is being tested but GRIT is shining through.

We just completed a pencil challenge! I gave the students a pencil and they had a task to not lose it (a mighty one for some).
Our final check in was this week. Take a peek at our winners:

Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday, Monday!

Book Checkout today!
Most students did not need a new book due to book club books. So many dove into reading right away. You could have heard a pin drop. Music (or lack of music) to my ears!

Joshua and Sophie led us at MMKO

Thursday, April 20, 2017

New Reading and Writing Units

We began our "argumentative/opinion" unit for writing. This week we are spending the week learning how to read the articles so we can begin researching for our own argument.  Students paired off in groups and worked together to pick a topic to debate. Some of the topics include: Should we have zoos; Should we have extreme sports; Should we spend more time researching the ocean or space and Should we protect people from sharks or sharks from people!

We also began a new reading unit. All students picked and received their fantasy book this week!  Please check in with them to make sure they are keeping up with the reading. They will have plenty of class time, but they will still need to devote time throughout their weeknights periodically also. 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Easter and 40 book celebrations!

40 Book Club
Welcome to the club Ayden James!!! Never to late to hit 10 books.

Zeniya also joins Ayden. Way to go Z!

Tyler worked so hard this year. It was his mission from the start. And he even let me take his pic :)

Little Buddies + Egg Hung= Fun
We had an Easter hunt complete with clues and candy at the end!

After our hunt, we took advantage of the beautiful weather with them.

Our game day was a success for the Easter celebration. So was the nacho bar. Yum!

Faith and Trey began our week back from break as the MC's for MMKO

Monday, April 3, 2017

GIrls on the Run were introduced to MMKO. On Friday, kids are encouraged to wear neon colors and bring $1 donation in support of Girls on the Run! Our very own Molly and Amber are on the team.

Aiden and Arron were the MCs

Amber is our Rockstar!!!

We are sharing our nonfiction books we created in small groups!

Izzy hits 40 books!! So proud of her.