Today we did a gallery walk with pictures associated with our upcoming read aloud, Home of the Brave. It created excitement before we even read page one!
Robert's soccer team took 2nd place this past week in Neenah. Way to go, Bobby!!
Last week our class had lunch buddies with Mr. Mockert! Here are the boys trying to guess Mr. M's hangman word.
Flashlight Friday Reading + PJ Day = Successful Friday!
We met with our buddies last week and helped them navigate a few fun websites.
Cheers to Robert and Violet who have hit 10 books!
Our team building last week took us into the gym for a relay race! It was a lot of fun to play!
Adam and Phoenix took their turns leading MMKO!
Each morning students respond to some sort of a prompt on the board. Last week they reflected on what makes them thankful for their family. This is a great way to start the day and provides some fun reading material for us throughout.
Mason finished up his rockstar last week sharing his poster, pictures and receiving his compliment book!