Friday, October 28, 2016

Tuesday-Thursday 10/25-10/27

Jadyn and Anna shared their expertise on outer space. Like our other experts, they had a fantastic final product!

Tyler joined the 10 book club this week!!

Buddies day!!!!  We made spooky skeletons with them. Love how they bring out the "youth" in us :)

Kamdyn brought in his 3 special things for his Rockstar. It just so happens they are the 3 most important people in his life! We had fun hearing from the Ernst family.

Our teambuilding this week revolved around making the tallest structure out of candy corn and toothpicks. It was quite the task as we learned that the 2 don't always want to go together very easily.  Nevertheless, we had a ball and enjoyed a treat after.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Happy Monday- 10/24

Newly elected student council members gave their speeches to the school today!

The entire student council panel 

Abby and the 5th grade girls volleyball team took 3rd this past weekend at their volleyball tournament!

Kamdyn begin his Rockstar of the week with his favorite book!!

Izzy joined the 10 book challengers!!  Way to go Isabella.

Aiden and Addison lead the pledge tonight at the School Board Meeting to represent Rosenow and their journey since 4k!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

A well deserved long weekend!

We ended the week, especially today, crazy busy!  Enjoy an extra day tomorrow!

Izzy was our rockstar this week.  She shared her 3 special things and more today!

Kamdyn joins the 10 book club!!!  Keep up the good work Kam.

Some of our "experts" shared their findings today that they've been working hard on the past few weeks!

Walter and Austin shared on minerals

Addison and Sophie shared on the Civil War

Student council speeches were today. Our 6 candidates practiced with one another.

SOOOO proud of all 6 of these candidates.

We ended the week with our teambuilding activity. Today, partners had to sit back to back and communicate the drawing they had to get their partner to draw it as closely as possible.