Saturday, January 30, 2016

Jadyn has 10 books down!

Jadyn recently completed 10 books towards the 40 challenge!

Terry hit 10 books

After finishing an 800+ page book, Terry has joined the wall.  Way to go Terry!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

SWAT Team Fun

The 45ers have the privilege of learning important topics from a group of high school girls (SWAT Team).  Todays topic was the importance of not smoking. After learning the dangers, students broke into groups to present to the others about the dangers. Some did posters, while one group of boys performed a skit.  (5th Grade was unable to attend due to Human Growth). At the end of their time with us, we had a little fun dancing.

Monday Morning Kickoff Stars!

We had 3 stars from our room compete in a chess tournament over the weekend. Way to go Anna, Aiden and Tyler. Aiden even took first place.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Spelling Bee

I am so proud of each and every one of the students who took on a challenge today by competing in the Spelling Bee. Take a peek at some of the first round pictures below and our very own 3rd place winner Anna:

10 Books Down for Aiden

Aiden joined the 10 book club this week!!!
Way to go Aiden!!!